Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3 Benefits:First Time HomeBuyers & Basement Waterproofing Systems



Before global warming and the flooding of all basements, those with wet damp basements and crawlspaces let them be. Today that has all changed, due to scads of scientific and medical research data that links exposure to mold spores and damp  environments to  loads of health related ailments.

The first benefit when you are home shopping is the knowledge of  knowing that you can buy that foreclosure with the water damage, save a bundle  and have the basement professionally waterproofed with  drain tile basement waterproofing system. Statewide Basement Systems, located in Pleasant Valley, NY , is a professional waterproofing company and the provide safe healthy environments all the time to there customers. Call for your free estimate 845-635-3040 and get the expertise you need to properly secure your new home and make the best offer possible.

Second benefit, is the bargaining power you have when negotiating over the sale price of the effected home. I f the basement is wet and needs a basement waterproofing system, you better believe you have some leverage when making an offer.  The key  is knowing the costs associated with the cleanup and installation of the basement waterproofing system. You will  want to call a professional waterproofer and get the scoop from them on what the individual components would cost and let them assess the situation.  This information is incredibly helpful and powerful when  making your offer and can be used when negotiating the purchase.

Many banks and  other lending agencies have begun addressing the wet basements and damp crawlspaces, that are  present in many of the properties  they currently have been stuck with as a result of many housing foreclosures. This tells us that the money being lost due to negotiated sales on wet homes must be significant. Otherwise, why would they put any money into this already depreciated asset?

Lastly, a  benefit that provides comfort to first time homebuyers and seasoned investors alike. Once the basement waterproofing system has been installed, you will have increased useable space and peace of mind that your investment has increased in value as well as comfort.
Happy house hunting!

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